High-value extensive range of lubricants for passenger cars and general heavy-duty applications.
A comprehensive engine oil and transmission fluid range for passenger cars and standard heavy duty applications.
Technical innovation and value for money, manufactured in Belgium.
Perfect to flank major brands as part of your multi-brand strategy.
The changing environment of our industry places much greater demands on engine oils, both on price and performance. This is where our new Pennol range steps in!
Blended in Europe, this comprehensive engine oil and transmission fluid range for passenger cars and standard heavy duty applications offers excellent value for money.
Pennol product ranges
High quality range of engine oils designed to meet standards and specifications of different OEM’s. This range covers vehicles with and without after-treatment systems offering extended engine protection and fuel economy savings.
Quality range of engine and transmission oils designed to meet standards and specifications of different OEM’s with and without after-treatment systems offering extended engine protection.
Range of engine, transmission and hydraulic oils designed to meet standards and specifications of different OEM’s.
Meeting the industry standards and offering all you need for passenger cars, the Pennol range guarantees high-quality products at great prices. Pennol is also perfect to flank major brands as part of your multibrand strategy.
An appealing design with different colours referring to the oil quality, allowing customers to easily recognize the different Pennol ranges.
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Pennol Product Catalogue
Pennol Brand Presentation
Recommendation Chart